Practical Lime Plastering Course – Selkirk, Scotland

10 – 14 May 2023

Image credit: Igua Cuiral 2022

Spend 5 days learning lime plastering on site in Selkirk, Scotland. We are working with self-builders Jenna and Trevor who have built a load bearing, one and a half storey, straw bale house with the help of SNaB for car tyre foundations and straw bale building. They are now ready to begin plastering the walls, so this is your chance to join in the fun!

The course will cover practical aspects of plastering with lime, including:

  • Applying key coat
  • Applying body coat
  • The lime cycle and working with lime
  • Use of tools
  • How to achieve a flat surface, curves and much more

Course dates: 10 – 14 May 2023

Location: Selkirk, Scotland

Cost: £200 for 5-day course

Times: We will work from 8:45 – 17:00 each day (16.00 on last day)

Food: Refreshments are included in the price but you will need to bring your own lunch

Accommodation: You will need to find your own accommodation – we can give you guidance once you have booked

Site during construction. Image credit: Macbie Photography 2022 @macbiephotography

To Book: Please email to confirm a place and send your payment as soon as possible as our courses fill up quickly and we operate on a first come first served basis. We will then send you further details.

Payment should be made by BACs as detailed here:

Nat West Bank

Sort Code: 60-09-27

Account Number: 79606113

Please use reference: Plastering Selkirk


Or can be made by PayPal here. Please click ‘Send’, enter the £200 fee, and write the reference ‘Plastering Selkirk’ in the notes box.


Or can be made by cheque made payable to School of Natural Building and sent to:

Hollinroyd Farm, Todmorden, OL14 8RJ

The bigger picture

You must bring: 

  • Stout work boots, steel toe-cap if possible 
  • Work clothes to keep you warm, dry and protected from the lime
  • Water proof clothing. * Note clothes are likely to become lime stained *
  • Lunch + water bottle

Please bring if you have them, we can provide if not: 

  • Sun protection (hopeful!)
  • 2 pairs Heavy duty Marigold type gloves 
  • A pair of wrap around safety glasses 
  • Notebook and pencil 

And if you have any of the following and it is easy for you to bring them please do, but not essential: 

  • Plastering tools e.g .plastic float, bucket trowel 
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure

Make sure your tools are labelled or easily identifiable