
If you would like to support our work at SNaB and join as a member, please read the information below, then complete and submit the online application for membership form here.

As a BenCom, SNaB reinvest profits back into the business to benefit the community we are set up to serve. As much of our work is done voluntarily, if you work, want to work, or simply have an interest in natural building, joining as a member helps to support this network. You can read more about our aims and values on the ‘About Us’ page here

Your fees directly support work we do, such as:

  • Running natural building courses, both practical and theoretical
  • Gaining accreditation for our courses
  • Raising awareness about Natural Building – this includes speaking and running workshops at conferences and events, going into schools and colleges etc.
  • Engaging with professionals in construction
  • Going to meetings of affiliate membership organisations

We offer a tiered approach to memberships which can be paid via BACS or PayPal. Membership runs from and is renewed each January. In launching this November, you get two additional months free.

Supporting individual: £12 / 12 months

Small company/organisation (7 employees or less): £24 / 12 months

Medium company (8 – 30 employees): £36 / 12 months

Large company (>31 employees): £48/ 12 months

We also welcome larger donations if you are in a position to do so.

Membership also gives you:

  • A say in how SNaB is run – members are invited to the AGM to direct and vote on how we work
  • Priority booking on SNaB courses, both theoretical and practical
  • Latest news and updates from the SNaB mailing list
  • 10% off Barbara’s book ‘Building with Straw Bales’

Within the wonderful world of natural building, SNaB has made and facilitated many meaningful connections between people; this is something we hope to continue doing for years to come. Pledging your support by becoming a member will help us to further develop this network, and to spread the joy of natural building with more people.

So, if you have ever trained or enjoyed a course with us, hope to in the future, or just like what we do, we’d love for you to show your support by joining our membership scheme. Complete the form and drop us an email at to let us know.